The Story of Fate's End:
The Fate's End Story
It all began in February of the year 1999, the 7th graders straight outta the streets of Broadmoor, Dave and Zac had this "awesome" 2 piece band called InDooRs. Dave on bass, Zac on guitar. No drummer. no lyrics or singer. but ROCK ASS SONGS. not really but it was fun as shit. Soon enough, Dave started to 'jam' with Lee on guitar. During this one jam out thing, Lee asked Alex Ibecken to sing 'War Pigs' with Dave and Lee playing. It was awful.

So 7th grade went on and eventually 8th grade came along. Dave and Zac continued to make up stuff but InDooRs fell apart, i guess. Lee and Dave continued to play together and eventually Dave invited Zac and he got into the jam sessions. Since Alex couldn't sing for beans, we made him play the drums. By January of 2000 the unnamed band had it's first practice. Alex on drums, Zac on backup guitar, dave on bass and Lee on lead guitar. it sounded awesome to have music set to a drum beat, a very very basic drum beat. so the band decided to cover the smash rock hit by Godsmack called "Keepaway". so the practice went on, Dave broke some glass, Zac got hit in the head by a guitar head, did some yelling out of amps with microphones outside. I think we said: "I'm God. Come out with all your money". After our first practice we still needed a singer. so then came along this 'excel' kid named Mike. He was in a lot of Dave's classes in 8th grade. he kept asking Dave to try out for the singer of this unnamed band. He eventually did try out in Lee's house and he sang Keepaway pretty well, but who can't sing that song? So mike was the singer. Matt "Skaronski" wanted to play keyboards. he came to the first practice then quit or left or something. i dunno, it didn't matter. But he's pictured in the back of that group photo below. But there was still no name for this rock ass metal type band. During one of Mr. Fiscella's excellent english classes, Dave and Mike thought of the name "Deep Six". It sounded cool at the time and it meant grave digging or something. It was lame and it fit the band perfectly.

we think we're tough.
the rock ass logo for deep six

So from about January to mid-March "Deep Six" was practicing the same cover song of Keepaway over and over. Deep Six actually even got a gig on Valentine's Day at some party. it was very embarrassing and horribly bad. after that awful awful performance, we decided to kick out alex due to stinkin up the joint. no offense al. haha.

group shot. uh oh...look out. tough guys coming through.

It was March 2000 and with a new line up, we decided to changed the band name. Also, Six Feet Under was a band and Deep 6 was a techno band from DC or something and is a underwater scuba diving site. We could of even went to the extreme edge and changed it to: "Deep Sicks", but thats just awful awful awful. so Lee and Mike made up "Fate's End". I think actually there was a poll on the old Deep Six website asking our fan what we should change the name to. even if "in cold blood" or "mad dog weed" won, we were going to pick Fate's End anyway. don't ask us why, or what it the name means, but it sounds cool, i think. I can probably make something up to explain why we picked it but then i'd be lying.

first Fate's End logo ever.
first Fate's End logo ever.

So with Zac on drums and a new rythm guitarist named "Kevin Epifano", the original songs came rolling in. and Oh man they were atrocious. There this one song called "Turn to Rage". Which Zac's ex-guitar teacher made up, we think. It was so rock. I mean, you can't believe how rock ass it was. But it wasn't good rock though. There was another one called "On My Own". This was worse then Turn to Rage. The song "On My Own" will forever be hated. We weren't even on our own, and Mike sure as hell wasn't. And there were a couple other ones. This one song called "Uprising" fit the band like OJ's glove. It was boring and monotone. but it had a cool pause! I can't believe we played that in front on the whole school in 8th grade at the Renaissance thing. we looked liked a bunch of nu-metal schleps. We played Gloucester Township Day in June 2000 too. Man, we had to have some balls to play those songs up there. I couldn't do that again with a straight face, honestly. To make it worse, the lady introduced us as a "MIDDLE SCHOOL ROCK BAND"...awful awful awful awful awful.

actually from this picture, it looks kinda cool. BUT IT WASNT
Gloucester Township Day June 3rd, 2000.

We tried to record the songs on through Dave's computer which had really good quality for some reason. Too bad the songs were ass. We did keep one song that we play to this day. It's called "Perfect". So after 8 months of bad slow ass rock and Godsmack covers, we eventually decided that this rock music wasn't fitting us any longer.

In August of 2000, a miraculous practice took place in Zac's basement. Zac and Dave always liked punk and ska. Mike starting to like it too that past year. but the problem was Lee. You see, he disliked punk vety vety we thought. But on that miraculous practice in August of 2000, Lee made up a riff that would change Fate's End from then on. It was the song we still play called, "Feedback". Zac wasn't used to playing fast punk beats on the drums, so Lee gave it a try on drums and we realized he was fricken good at it. So, Zac picked up guitar again and learned the "Feedback" riff. It was fast, fun, and the total opposite of music Fate's End was making before. So the punk bug bit us in the neck and soon enough more fast songs came along. But we had to make a song that sounded a little like old school FE. Thus, "Drifting" was made. When Zac made up the riff, he played it really fast and punk like. I'm not sure why, but Lee wanted to play guitar for this song. He slowed down a bit, added a solo, and the song was finished. We played these new songs at the Fall Jamnesty on September 24th of 2000. That show was fun as shit. We didn't have to act all serious and mad. it rocked. That was also the last show that Kevin played with Fate's End.

So then came the months of October to December. And many FE style originals were made. And Kevin left due to other stuff like marching band and wasn't able to come to practices. I don't think he liked punk anyway. After Kevin left, we decided that with just four members, Fate's End could maintain their sound. We didn't offer any opening or audition for a rythm guitarist once Kevin left.

Kevin, added in March 2000 and left around October 2000.

Then in February, we got a show that we couldn't wait to play. The February 11th Sheahan's Show blew away all the shows Fate's End played before. It is still one of the best shows we ever were apart of.

From February 2001 to the present, Fate's End played many more shows. New songs and new styles were added. In December of 2001, we added a new drummer, Dan, and Lee moved to guitar. With Dan behind the drums our sound quote unquote "matured." Starting March 16th, Fate's End is going to record their first EP. There will be about four songs. This band thing started out kinda like a joke, but now it's just friggen rock.

So that brings us up to date. good day.
- dave

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