

Songs from The Beginning EP:
You Never Talk
For the Broken Hearted
The Truth Shines Clear
Seven Years, Broken Mirrors
Blacktop Only

other songs:
the new song (untitled thus far) | Your Image | October Skies | The Horizon in 3/4 |

For the Broken Hearted
music: Fate's End
lyrics: M. Byro

Oh no, she's drowning
Put your hand out, pull her out
You've worked so hard at this, don't push her down
But you watch as she struggles and walk away as the ripples cease

And you hear her
You hear her cry

Where were you when I needed you?
You just disappeared
All the things that you said weren't true
You never cared
So stop your lies
Just let me die

And her voice still stings and lingers
You hear it all around
Turn towards filth and pleasure to escape the guilt
But it will catch up to you, she will catch up to you

Cause you still remember
When she cried

She's dying
She's crying

Where were you when I needed you?
You just disappeared
All the things that you said weren't true
You never cared
So stop your lies
Just let me die

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You Never Talk
music: Fate's End
lyrics: M. Byro

Words don't come easy
But at least I try to speak
And I receive silence
My intentions fall like the once promising leaves
With the guise of beautiful colors
But laced in deceit, always deceit

You never talk
Always the stare
Eyes that don't grant a single feeling
So what should I feel?

And the silence cuts into me
Like the double edge of a broad sword
All I want is a word, a smile, a response
But you give nothing and I get nothing

Open your mouth, pour the feelings out
I can take it I can

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The Truth Shines Clear
music: Fate's End
lyrics: M. Byro

Feelings flow
Circle the room, glow
Mine so bright
I think they might blind my
Cause I can't see
This core of yours

So I hide my love away
In depths not seen by common eyes
Locked away for days when
Truth shines clear
And comfortable is all we feel

Yes it's you who make me laugh
Smiles, enough to save me
At times when I'd like to fade
Talking for more
Than to speak

So I hide my love away
In depths not seen by common eyes
Locked away for days when
Truth shines clear
And comfortable is all we feel

The phone is not dead
The voices alive
As I fall in love
With the sound of your voice
Picturing the face that holds the key

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Seven Years, Broken Mirrors
music: Fate's End
lyrics: M. Byro

Create some small talk
So evasive and you know I hate it
It's all we've had
Despite my attempts to break the glass

But that's fine don't respond
I'll make up things to say to you
And you can laugh at me
Laugh at me again

Kicking and screaming
I'll break your mirrors
Smother me, hold me down
Kiss me damn you
Or let me go

Feeling so beneath you
Under a reflection of stars
What could I offer, I don't even know
Just give me a damn
I could be worth something
Worth your glossy gaze

Tonight is mine to know
It's been weeks
Tonight is mine to know
Won't you tell me, won't you tell me

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Blacktop Only
music: Fate's End
lyrics: M. Byro

Covered in bleached white sheets
So suffocating but the red is staining
And tainting my view
We were expected to fall
Expected to crumble
But we'll show you all

So stand now grinning
How foolish you look, how foolish you are
With your fickle hearts, (BLACKTOP!) passion expired
We've got compassion
Where's your compassion

May pride be your fall
Caesar's fate be yours
Never gave us a damn inch
Well now you will
We're breaking down your walls
I love it when the rain falls
And washes the red away

How do you like it?
Tell me does it feel like a headache that won't go away

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Your Image
music: Fate's End
lyrics: M. Byro

You cruise by
without a care
Made it look easy
it's just not fair
Yeah the easy way
But was it the best
Yet you pulled it off
Made everything cres

Now everyone's in your image
And I'm out of the picture
You left me in the dust
All of a sudden not cool enough

You and your clicks
Whatever you said seemed to stick
Yeah and they followed you
And that's fine for now
But then they leave you for another crowd

Do you remember me
We used to be inseparable
We were like this they said
Friends for life

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October Skies
music: M. Byro
lyrics: M. Byro

It was a cold day in October
Just a little bit windy
And I remember you
The sun shone down on slant
As it hit your cheek

But you won't remember me
Won't even see this badly dressed boy walking away

Your hair seemed to take flight
in the departing wind
An image burned in my memory
A moment of utter beauty

But you'll never hear this song
Won't see this badly dressed boy playing his guitar

Keep on playing and I'll keep on singing
Cause it's all I know
and I don't know you but I pretend to

it's just a hopeful wish of October skies

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The Horizon in 3/4
music: Fate's End
lyrics: M. Byro

It takes more than you think
Much more than you believe
And everyday I try
I try I try

And time will pass away
The seasons will show the change
And I'll be swept away
Blow me away

The world will keep on spinning
I can't help but feel left behind
No matter how hard I run
I still see you in the horizon

Running away
Slipping away from me
Facing towards tomorrow
When all I want
Is to live today
But change comes too fast

So I look to the night sky
And stars as a guide
To find my way to you and my dreams
Yes I dream

The world will keep on spinning
I can't help but feel left behind
No matter how hard I run
I still see you in the horizon

Running away
Slipping away from me
Facing towards tomorrow
When all I want
Is to live today
But change comes to fast
It feels I've passed you by
A hundred thousand times
But you're never there
Never really there

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new song untitled
music: Fate's End
lyrics: M. Byro

Only your wings could set me free
The beauty of an angel
Too much for the ground to stand
Please don't fly away
I'll do anything
I'm afraid
That not even dreams could bring me to you

Can't you see the stars?
They smile for you
So smile, like you always do
Knowing the moon admires you

I'll cast stones onto the surface
Hoping ripples will defer some light
Maybe make me shine brighter
Haven't I ever caught your eye?
Haven't I ever made you smile?
Haven't I?

Can't you see the stars?
They smile for you
So smile, like you always do
Knowing the moon admires you

I could stay still for days
Trying to forget you
But reason runs away
And I look to see you
Just for tonight

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