email us



¤ Pontiac show = very good.
¤ Thanks to everyone who came out, and especially to the people who bought our stuff.
¤ No more slayer...if you missed the sandwich, speak to vocals.
¤ yeah there's a show this saturday at 4pm at the pontiac grille.
¤ come on out. it should be fun.
¤ oh yeah. big thanks to jack from none too soon for letting us play the February 22nd show.
¤ also, we need to practice. badly. i swear to jebus if we don't practice before the
¤ We are not doing that TLA show. ASOT is instead.
¤ New Show at the Moorestown Friends School on Friday, Feb 22nd.
¤ Be there and be rhombus.
¤ The basement show was great, we should do it again sometime.
¤ Thanks to Nick and everyone that came out, it was way waaay better than I expected. rock.
¤ Oh yeah, the dreaded TLA show is coming up soon, tambien.
¤ New Show Date added. March 9th at the Pontiac Grille

¤ Happy New Year 2002 Rae Wen Yppah
¤ 2002 - The Year of the Palindrome
¤ I like the palindrome: 'Never Odd or Even'.
¤ or even 'Mr Owl ate my metal worm'
¤ one day i'll make up a brilliant palindrome..........
¤ Oh, right. the band...we got a show on Friday, January 11th. more details soon.

¤ New drummer
¤ His name is Dan i think
¤ see you.
¤ guestbook is dead.
¤ if you got something to say. simply email us.
¤ Happy Thanksgiving.
¤ Photo section updated
¤ New photography taken by Paul b. from the Nov. 11 Eustace Show
¤ Be on the look out for FE hoodies...
¤ We recorded the new song as a demo with zac's 4-track.
¤ We really need to name that song soon because we're making a newer song and it will just get confusing without a name.
¤ I think it should be called "leonids" or something but i dunno
¤ The winner for the "Win a Date with Zac Contest" is TEAM SUPERFRIENDS!
¤ TSF and Zac went to Wendy's and had a great time!
¤ There was people slipping, cup smashin, a good time was had by all.
¤ Thanks to all who sent in a entries for the contest, they were fun to read.
¤ Made up a new song that will be played at the Eustace show this weekend.
¤ try to come to that show. it should be splendid.
¤ Some new shows are brewing
¤ More details as they develop
¤ trying to write some stuff
¤ We bagged this one song because it sounded too much like old school saves the day. and that's stupid.
¤ Yeah. um I don't know too much about this whole "Win a Date with Zac" stuff but i know it's going to fall through and not happen. GAR. REN. TEED.
¤ Made a piano song that will be the last song on the elusive Fate's End CD. It's called: "Untitled" because there's no vocals. It makes you want to cry or/and sleep.
¤ We basically finished the new fun song. I dont know.
¤ Mike's 100 dollar mic is a piece of crap.
¤ Finally named that "new" song. It's now "The Horizon in 3/4"

¤ trying to make a new fun song.

¤ TLA show has been DELAYED due to CONFUSION.
¤ its now on OCTOBER 7th at the TLA in Philly.
¤ also, come see us at MARS MUSIC this sunday, the 30th at 5pm.
¤ the story of fate's end: the fate's end story is up.
¤ go here to read it
¤ new "band" page is up.
¤ it's my bro's bday and he's all sick haha
¤ branden's new dog rules.
¤ We made up half a song on Sunday. It's in 3/4 time!
¤ The history for FE is written but I don't want to put it on the site
¤ TLA show on the Sept 30th, more...
¤ school eats up my time

¤ R.I.P. to all the WTC and Pentagon victims...Uncle Sam is rolling up his sleeves...
¤ bye
¤ We got a show at the TLA on the 30th this month.
¤ dAvE (me) is currently working on the "the story of fate's end: the fate's end story".
¤ it should be really dumb. so keep coming back to read this trash
¤ Time for a break. A very long, long break.
¤ "Mic" is going to the Phillipines for the whole month of August.
¤ that means, no more shows till schoolage starts...aaaahhhh no i hate schoolage!
¤ the rest of FE will prolly practice every once and awhile
¤ oh yeah, i updated the links page and lyrics page.
¤ so that does it for FE this winter/spring/summer. it was pretty fricken cool. cool shows, cool new people...
¤ SO LOOK OUT FOR THE NEXT FATE'S END SHOW COMING THIS FALL ON NBC! well not on nbc. ok later guys thanx.
¤ the flash intro is up! ROCK ON AMANDA.
¤ jamie and dAvE (me) suck at flash and can't learn it. AT ALL.
¤ but hey! i'm still pretty fricken good at html.
< aAhryef-=""htt[p;\ww2,seeican%30 makealink.xcom?'' >I ROCK AT HTML!< ass>

¤ The Electric Factory show got cancelled...well we did.
¤ now that THAT's over with...
¤ Jamie the "Flash Master" and Amanda is making us a spiffy flash into...
¤ it should be up soon...
¤ in midi news...NFG midi's are up on this awesome site
¤ made up a new title yet though
¤ it's pretty emo-ish, laid back and sleepy stuff
¤ might play it on the 15th
¤ might call it "for the broken hearted"
¤ that title is pretty fruity though...i dunno
¤ that is all - END COMMUNICATION.
¤ The Sheahan Show was great
¤ Cutback rocked the house with a suprising performance
¤ STR was rocking out also...good job kids
¤ Careless Destruction had a good debut. dude luke...turn up next time
¤ yeah well...that's about it
¤ Finally...the Sheahan's 24th show is tomorrow...rock.
¤ dAvE has gay pink hair now (yet another reason to come tomorrow)
¤ so be sure to point and laugh at him.
¤ link section is updated...smaller fonts are cool!
¤ we are having an entry drought in the guestbook...makes us sad...:*(
¤ sign it make us happy...
¤ check back l8r for more shocking news
¤ We wrote a new song! HOLY SHIT!
¤ the new song is called: "We suck on Mondays"
¤ we had practice on a monday when we wrote the song...and we SUCKED. REEEEAL BAD. thus...the name of the song.
¤ it should probably be renamed to: "We suck on EVERYday"

¤ yes... we are recording...
¤ yes... we should be playing Gloucester Twp Day
¤ no...we are not. they would not give us a spot after 5pm
¤ LUCKY STAR is now headlining june 24th show

¤ come to jamnesty tomorrow
¤ headlining sheahan's show added on June 24th.
¤ throwing tennis balls at cars is fun.
¤ dAvE made a new SJ punktricity
¤ you know you like it
¤ Jamnesty is coming up on saturday...rock.
¤ There, JB happy? i updated this shit.
¤ 1st Philly show for Fate's End @ Pontiac Grille
¤ Lucky Star rocks. word. haha
¤ mexican cheese steaks rock.
¤ oh yeah strung out rocks hard.
¤ Sheahans show rocked...sorry bout the pop setlist
¤ thanks for everyone to come out, cres!
¤ strumlak said hasn't rocked out like that in awhile
¤ it was crescent fresh.
¤ dAvE got some new emo specs last night. 1 buck.
¤ mic has a good shot.
¤ so that was spring break? that sucked.
¤ damn school tomorrow.
¤ we are playing at sheahans this sunday, come and make it like 2-11
¤ all new set for show
¤ good good

¤ sorry to everyone who came to see us lately. we havent been happy with our shows lately, and regret not having alot of people.
¤ we will only do pretty big shows from now on, besides parties. small shows seem to make us look worse than we are... we will make sure there is over 100 people at all of our shows now. no having to sell tickets every 3 days, and not concentrating on one.
¤ as some of you may have heard... lee may have to quit FE. this is not definate. for the 3 of you that see this, lee will be at the next shows and definately finishing the album.
¤ no show can compare to st pius.
¤ sarah got dont wake me... aww mike - you are so sweet
¤ chris started an a-n-a-r-c-h-y chant... and oi!
¤ good pits. good screaming. no mess ups.
¤ weekend tour turned out.... good saturday. lets not go into the others.

¤ last night's show was nuts, read P.C. South's review of Mackfest here.
¤ updated the links page...finally
¤ P.C. south was added to the show on April 1st...good times
¤ should be a good should go.
¤ the sheahan's show went rad
¤ thanks to all that stayed to watch us!
¤ And...jamie boulden A.K.A 'JB' actually showed was amazing.
¤ updated the news section
¤ we made a banner today
¤ dAvE spray painted it.
¤ it looks pretty damn crescent fresh.
¤ we made a "hardcore" song called 'Sweetheart'
¤ it will be played at the upcoming shows.
2/11/01 ¤ Fate's End first REAL show went super
¤ thanks to all the bands and everyone who came out to the show! rock on!
¤ more shows to come...
¤ new pics!!!! excellent.
¤ if the pics take to long to load.. T.S. = tough shit.
¤ get cable internet.
¤ practice went excellent.
¤ rob from no show AKA flawless came over.
¤ there will be a suprise cover song on at the sheahan's show
¤ trying to write some new cirle pit songs.
¤ met flawless and self sufishant at the mall.
¤ yea. flawless changed their name to no show.
¤ they did it because they got it from a mabeline make up commercial.
¤ i dont like this '01' crap. gimme back my damn 00's.
¤ oh yeah.....HAPPY NEW YEAR YOU FASCISTS!!!!!!!
¤ we are going to record a new demo.
¤ it might be called 'the responsible toad'
¤ the band got all new stuff.
¤ zac got a flying V guitar.
¤ dave got hohner bass five string.
¤ lee got the TAMA rock ass drum set.
¤ mike didn't get anything new cuz he sucks. haha
¤ Merry CHRiSTMAS.
¤ new bass = good times

¤ changed the look of the site. does it suck? tell me...then i'll fight you.
¤ happy christmas all. dave's getting a new bass and a electric/acoustic geeeetar.
¤ play this's fun. you peg little brats with ice balls.
¤ got some big ass shows...MORE ABOUT THAT...
¤ byro says this site is really slow. so i'll change it soon.
¤ merry diciembre.
¤ punkricity is pronounced like electricity without the elect part. punkricity is rad.
¤ order thy demo.
¤ ANTi-FLAG is tonight. cres. rock.
¤ going to make some t-shirts.
¤ i tell you more about them later
¤ mike is on winter track, well so am i, but he can't practice because he's tired.
¤ awwwwww poor baby.
¤ i say we beat him up. let's go.
¤ nevermind.
¤ hitting shopping carts with cars is fun.
¤ made an update on the news page for 12/03/00
¤ that is all.
¤ tried recording again, successful.
¤ new 6 song demo is for sale. get some.
¤ yeah.
¤ tried recording...not so successful...
¤ try again on Saturday...rock.
¤ dAvE spilled some soda and wore an air freshner on his head as a strong fashion statement.
¤ Made up 4 new PUNKED OUT songs.
¤ Recording soon.
¤ happy pumpkin day.
¤ i skipped football because halloween is more important than football.
¤ yes, we are still here.
¤ football sucks.
¤ From the crowds response at the show, we feel we hung pretty well with the senior bands at the Eustace show.
¤ Fate's End is playing with some gigs of with other bands from Jamesty.
¤ If anyone wants stickers...go here.
¤ Hmmmm. Ok, we think we need more people at our shows. ok?
¤ Big, HUGH show on sept 24 (DAVE'S B-DAY) at eustace high. go to shows for more.
¤ have our set-list up soon...need more info from mike.
¤ dave's zine has a new issue
¤ band practicing. kevin not paying attention. fun.
¤ kevin likes to play war pigs, ALL THE TIME.
¤ Some shows in September.
¤ hi
¤ Made a couple new hard songs up.
¤ Trying to get some gigs.
¤ Kevin's guitar broke.
¤ Dave will soon get a new shiny bass.
¤ New Fate's End Mailing sure to sign up on the main page.
¤ New songs are up and running for you to download.
¤ Lee will try to get a gig at Hotshots Bar & Grill
¤ Come back for new news and updates.
¤ More pictures are up...gig pics especially
¤ Mike got chino hair
¤ We will try to get a pic of the amazing hair.
¤ Seemed to scare away "aerosol alien"...loser
¤ Probably have a gig soon enough
¤ Come back for updates
¤ New Pictures are up for you to laugh at
¤ Kevin looks special in every pic
¤ Aerosol Alien has nothing better to do but piss us off
¤ This just in...Aerosol Alien has no life and Jason's gay
¤ Playing at Branden W's Party on this Friday
¤ More parties in the future
¤ Thanks for visiting and come back for new stuff
¤ Played our set at Gloucester Township Day
¤ Thanks to everyone who came out...rock on.
¤ Read the FE Poll on the main page to see if people liked it
¤ Our live set will be up on mp3 in less than a week; thanx to matt, joe, andy, and the other matt (mostly Rusty 9 Iron)
¤ This week FE will be playing renaissance...more