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FE News


¤ I just realized this page is pointless. It just repeats whatever it says on the main page...
¤ nevertheless, I want to get a show together sometime. Just with bands that I like and know. All i need is a venue and it'll happen.
¤ let me know if you know a good venue. email address here
¤ Go to the Pontiac Show. Saturday July 6th. South Street. Same block as the TLA. Across from Lorenzo's. 5/09/02
¤ Well the Pontiac Grille show got changed again. it's now on saturday July 6th.

¤ pretty good basement show last night, too bad the cops came and shut it down before asot could play.
¤ big sympathy to spud, nick and pat from fall fadeaway about the accident. fucking drunk drivers. luckily, no one was hurt.
¤ oh, and thanks to the kid that let us have the show. thanks
¤ demo's are still being sold and the site going too.
¤ is up and running.
¤ feel free to download and burn

¤ ok. Demos for now on sale.
¤ see one of the band members if you want "The Beginning EP"
¤ man this spring break is gonna suck if we cant find a show.
¤ i can't hold out until May 11th. that's just waaaaay too long.
¤ if you want us to play anything email us. thanks
¤ this past weekend was quite significant for fe.
¤ we recorded the instrumentals for five songs.
¤ we do not know which exact songs we will use thus far.
¤ this thursday we are adding the vocal tracks and *clears throat* group shouts.
¤ saturday night's show was rather, let's not say bad, but let's say bad just for zac.
¤ you see, zac lent his SG guitar to ASOT and it got hit by the bass guitar and broke of the E string peg winder thing and bent the B string peg. they apologized immensely and said they would reimburse zac for the damages. all is well...i think
¤ the show was great besides that. the "basement", more like venue, was insanely glorious. i was in awe when i walked in, honestly. big ups to that pat kid, yo.
¤ hey scott from ydwtdt, can you be a pal and send us those pictures you took to this email address? that would be good. thanks.
¤ oh yeah one more thing. two words. PLOP ART.
¤ yeah ok......bye